Monday, 8 August 2016

Understanding the Importance of Early Childhood Education

It is indeed every parent’s dream to help their child build a safe and secure future. This cycle starts from the very first day the child is born and continues till the day the child turns into an adult and become physically, mentally and emotionally independent.
The early stages of a child’s development or you can say, the early stages of childhood are the most important ones. The childhood phase is very crucial as parent’s can mould the child accordingly during these early years of childhood.
For parent’s, it is very imperative to understand the importance of early childhood education and help their child during these fundamental years of their growth.
As per a recent study conducted some very well-known scientists across the globe, the time period starting from a child’s birth to eight years is filled with high level learning and it is during this time that the child absorbs whatever is going around him. This period is the maturing period of the child’s physical and mental abilities.

What age is early childhood?

There is no particular age that defines early childhood. Generally, the first 6-8 years after the child’s birth are the learning filled years of the child and whatever the child harnesses during this period, stays with him till the end of life. The basis of a child’s understanding is formed during these initial years and hence, they are considered as early childhood education and care years.
During these years, the children are completely under the influence of their parents and whatever is taught to them. What parent’s make their children do or make them understand has a immense impact on the child’s growth and mental development.

What does early childhood education mean?

There is no set definition of early childhood education and it varies from one person to another. The National Association for Education of Young Children defines early childhood education as high quality learning for children between the ages of 1 to 6 years. It not only drives the child towards academic achievements in later stages but also helps in a healthy mental, physical and emotional development of a child.  This education is something that only the parents can extend to their children before they enter pre-school and high-school as this education forms the base of a child’s growth.

A peek into early childhood development stages!

The development cycle of a baby starts from the very first day the baby is brought home after delivery. The initial few days are the very sensitive ones and the most nerve wrecking days for the parents. The little feet, sensitive hands, soft head and the fragile body, the development cycle beings as soon as the baby is born.
Once the baby grows up, he starts crawling, trying to life his body, trying to stand using external support, grabbing things and putting almost everything in mouth and trying to chew them. All these actions are a signal that the baby’s mental and physical development has begun. Also, when the baby is 1-2 years old, he can sense what is going around us and reacts to external stimuli the way adults too; this shows that his emotional development has also started.
It is during these development years that parents can mould the child into educated kids.
Here are few suggestions how family involvement in early childhood education can do wonders! 
  • Parents can opt for mother-child relationship sessions where a group of mothers and their little ones get together and high quality educational lessons are provided for the toddlers. Mothers are also taught how to deal with kids of this age and how progressive learning can be extended to them.
  • In these sessions, parents are also taught how to keep their child happy and provide them a positive environment. In early years of childhood, a healthy environment is a must for the child to be able to learn and become intellectually stable.
  • Speech stimulation is another aspect of the child’s development that requires attention and patience. Conversing with your child on a daily basis, telling him stories and asking him to comprehend them are some of the ways in which you urge your child to speak. The first few words that the children learn come from their surroundings and what their parents teach.
  • You can also take the help of nursery rhymes, educational TV serials, pictorial books, puzzles and story books to make this education trip an exciting one for your child.
All work and no play, makes Jack a dull boy!
Remember this saying?
Well, this applies to the case of your child too. Do not forget that playing is a very important tool in the child’s development. Educating the child with lessons, story books, nursery rhymes cassettes and CDs etc. are not the only ways of educating the children in their early years.
Playing not only makes the child active, but is also partially responsible for the child’s mental development. It helps the child develop motor and practical skills that books can definitely not teach them.
Building blocks, matching shapes and figures and simple craft activities like colouring and sketching can contribute to the child’s thinking and comprehensive skills. Not only this, pretention games like playing with the kitchen sets for girls, making doll houses and car racing in case of young boys, help them connect to the reality of the world they are about to step in and help in the development of reasoning and living skills.
Theories of early childhood education
In technical terms, ECE of Early Child Education is a subdivision of education theory which deals with imparting education and learning to young kids until the age of eight.
A number of theories revolve around early childhood education.
  1. Vygotsky’s socio-cultural learning theory is based on the social and cultural impact of the society on children. Vygotsky, a Russian psychologist proposed that children learn through their interactions with more knowledgeable peers and adults.Vygotsky’s socio-cultural learning theory has also proven especially important for the education of the mentally disabled.
  1. Piaget’s constructivist theory suggests that learning comes from within and children build their own knowledge of the world through life experiences and what happens around them. Piaget’s theory comes to conclude that computers can be a great educational tool for kids when used to support the design and construction of their projects and contributes a lot to the development of their reasoning skills. 
Apart from these two important theories, there are several other theories across the globe that highlight different aspects of learning and importance of early childhood education and each has its own conclusion about what contributes the most in a child’s development. For some, it is a natural process and comes from inside while for other’s it’s something completely mechanical and depends completely on what the child is taught by his family.
A balanced environment is the best way to help your child grow in to a balanced adult or teen. Always remember that restrictions urge children to do the opposite and this is indeed very harmful when the child grows into a teenager. An open and happy go lucky surrounding will not only be pleasing for the child, but will also help the child open up and accept the outside world with positivity and determination. Early education and care is a topic of great concern and one should not be ignorant about it as it forms the bases of a child’s life going forward and in the years to come. A child is often said to be his parent’s reflection and each and every action that you take has some effect on your child-negative or positive. This is something which every parent should remember and be careful about it. Even though a 3 year old child does not speak what he feels, simply because he cannot, it does not mean that he is not observing what is going around him. He observes and at the same time feeds the same in his brain which comes up somewhere in the later stage of his life and reflects in his actions.
No matter what educational tool you use to educate your growing child, there is something very essential that every parent must remember. Boosting the early years of children’s lives is the best asset we can make as a society in ensuring their future success.
This article was meant to give help you understand the various approaches to early childhood education. We hope you like it. If you have any questions on any of the things mentioned in the article, please feel free to ask! We will be more than happy to help you. Also, if you have something to share or an experience that can help other’s pass this tense phase of their child’s development, please go ahead and share it with others.
Keep checking this space for expert advice on various other aspects of child’s development and behaviour in later stages of life.

Saturday, 23 July 2016

Baby Teeth- Their order and types

What order do baby teeth come in? It is common question in every parent’s mind. The baby teething order starts when he or she is around 6 months of age. The time at which the teething in a baby starts may differ, but there is a specific order that teeth come in.

The babies develop 20 primary teeth by the time they are 3 years old. They have 10 upper teeth and 10 lower teeth. Primary teeth are also commonly known as Milk Teeth.
According to the baby teething order, the Lower Central Incisors erupt first between 6 and 10 months. The Upper Central Incisors erupt when the baby is around 8-12 months old.

The next order baby teeth come in the form of Upper Lateral Incisors between 9 and 13 months. The Lower Lateral Incisors erupt when the baby is around 10-16 months old.

When a baby is around 13 to 19 months old, then the order in which is the baby teeth comes in is in the form of Upper First Molar. The Lower First Molar erupts when the baby is between 14-18 months old.

The canines fill the gap between the Incisors and First Molars. They grow when the baby is 16-23 months old. They are also of 2 types-Upper Canines and Lower Canines. Canines are also popularly known as Dog teeth.

In the baby teeth growth order after the eruption of First Molar comes the turn of Second Molar teeth. The Lower Second Molar teeth erupt when the baby is around 23 to 31 months old.

The upper Second Molar order teeth come in when the baby is between 25 to 33 months old. This answers the question what order do teeth come in. The shedding of primary teeth begins when a child is around 6 years of age. 

watch out for video to know more

Friday, 20 May 2016

Why Does My Baby Spit So Much?

Spitting is a normal activity for most of the babies, but for few it can result in serious consequences. About one-third of newborn babies experiences spitting during the first 3 months. It is mainly because of the stomach stuff coming back into the esophagus, which is a situation known as gastroesophageal reflux, infant acid reflux or infant reflux.

Reasons of spitting in babies
The main reason of spitting in babies is due to infant acid reflux. In this situation, a muscle namely lower esophageal sphincter, which is situated between the stomach and esophagus, keeps the contents of the stomach where they must rest. But in most of the babies this muscle is not mature enough to aid in digesting of the food consumed, and hence, spitting occurs, specifically if the baby is overfed.

Spitting and Baby’s Growth
If spitting is normal, then it will not interfere with the baby’s growth and is rather a symptom that your baby is well fed. It is normal as long as your baby is feeding well, gaining weight and is not encountering any calories loss. Still if you are concerned about why does mybaby spit so much then one way is to keep your baby upright for 30 minutes after every feed. Also, avoid overfeeding your baby and allow him to take his time to burp. Making baby sleep on her back also aids in reducing spitting.

When spitting can be a problem
There are few instances when spitting can become a major problem and show signs such as:
·         Baby is not gaining weight
·         Baby spitting yellow or green fluid
·         Refuses to intake repeated feeds
·         Has blood in her or his stool
·         Develops spitting at an older age that continues for a longer period

If all or few such signs develop in your baby, then you must contact a doctor immediately. In most of the cases, the doctor asks for adopting special feeding techniques or may prescribe medication for treating reflux. If possible then try to consult a specialist to ensure that your baby is treated in the most precise way.

When Do I Ovulate?

Ovulation is the process of discharging an egg from the ovary, and the released egg has more probability of getting fertilized. When such an egg gets fertilized, then it implies that you are pregnant!
For most women, fertility is more from two to three days before ovulating from the day of ovulation. Knowing the correct time of ovulation can help in planning pregnancy and even aids in avoiding getting pregnant if it is what you intend. The three ways to track down ovulation are:

The calendar method
The simplest method to estimate when ovulation will occur is to count back. For this, you need to figure out the exact date of the beginning of your next period. It is not an ideal method for those who experience irregular periods. From day 1 count back to 12 days and then another four days. You may expect ovulation to occur during the next five days. For instance, if you have a 28-day period cycle then there are possibilities that you may ovulate on day-14. Day-1 is the first day of the period and 28th day is the last day before your next period begins. There is online ovulation calendar available, which you may use for better understanding.

Chart your cervical mucus and basal body temperature
A more precise way to track ovulation is to chart the patterns of your vaginal discharge and body temperature. It may take a little work, but it delivers accurate results. It is a scientific fact that the basal body temperature rises right after ovulation. You can detect the change in temperature by measuring your BBT. Also, there is a change in the texture of your vaginal discharge during the time of ovulation. It becomes stretchy, slippery and clear like a raw egg white.

Using an ovulation predictor kit

You can also try a predictor ovulation kit, OPK to test your hormone levels to know when do I ovulate. The pee-sticks deliver accurate results a day or two days before your ovulation. It works by measuring the luteinizing hormone that rises during ovulation and which is also an indication that your ovaries will shortly discharge an egg. Such kits are available at the drugstore even without a prescription. 

What Do Teenage Girls Like?

Teenagers, the one of the most important groups of the society is often less talked about, and when there is a discussion about them, then it is only their study and career program that is the core subject. But this article is unique as it talks about the various things that teenagers like, specifically the girls. So here are some of the highlights:

It has to be on the top of the list as no teenager has left behind the spell of smartphones. The entire society is crazy about these gadgets, and so are the teenage girls. With varieties of options available, girls are always looking for smartphones that are incorporated with all the features and have a trendy, classy look.

Shopping for clothes
Girls are very much fond of stylish attires, no matter of their age group. With new e-commerce stores, the possibility to buy trendy clothes at affordable prices has become even easier and hassle free. It has only lead to an increased convenience of teenage girls to buy stuff that they want, sometimes even without letting their families.

Going to Concerts
Another thing what do teenage girls like is there was a time when concerts were not that exciting, but in today’s world, concerts are one of the coolest events in town. Every teenage girl loves to visit the concert of her favorite celebrity, and most of them consider it as one of the dreams of their lives. And why not they love it, as these days concerts are rocking, exciting and greatly enjoyable.

It is the digital world, and the teenagers are the most affected group of social sites. Girls like to click their beautiful photos and post them on social networking channels to gain appreciations. They even like to network with new people who have taste and preferences similar to them.

Staying trendy
From clothes to shoes to bags, almost everything in a teenage girl’s wardrobe has to be the trendiest. As girls grow, they become more fashion conscious, and it is when they develop a true sense of the latest style. For this reason, almost every teenage girl tries hard and likes most to stay stylish in every aspect.

Thursday, 19 May 2016

Hairstyles For Medium Hair

When your hair is too short to be an Angel level and too lengthy to be a lob, then you are in the perfect position to try these amazing hairstyles for medium length hair. These hairstyles are not only simple and clean but can make you look gorgeous than ever before.

Layers with Bangs
Thinking of what you should do with your grown out bangs then it is simple! Just do a middle parting of your hair and trim the hairs in the center to a short length to look appealing and have layers that ease outs the uncomfortable phase.

Half-up with Soft curls
Soft curls are feminine and look great with a top half. It is a clean, polished hairstyle that is ideal for every occasion. You can even accessorize the hairstyle when styling it for a night party.

Straight Hairs
When you feel lazy then just run a flat iron via your hair a couple of times and tuck it right behind your ears. Style it up with few hobby pins that will keep them in place and maintain the subtle and sleek look.

Curls on the shoulder
If you are muddled between various hairstyles for that special event, then simply give quick curls and throw them on one of the sides of your shoulder. The layers will generate a beautiful spiral look and place them on one of the shoulders for that unique appearance.

Perfect ponytail
Ponytails are simple to make, and when you style it perfectly, then it looks classic. For recreating it, slick back your hairs into a pony and then tug your hair above to generate height. You can create strands of the ponytail with a curling iron and brush them out into a picturesque and dreamy future.

Feathered hairs
You can make your medium length hair look a little longer with feathered hairs. You can achieve it by asking your hair stylist to employ a razor as it is an excellent trick to achieve such ends.

Beach Waves

Lastly, if you want a glamorous look that is appealing and not involves much of your time, then just wet your dry hair in a bun. Open the bun and you will be left with waves that look natural and attractive.

Tuesday, 10 May 2016

Know About Developmental Milestones And How To Take Care Of A New Born Baby

You have brought home your small bundle of joy and now you must be surely thinking of how to take care of a new born baby. Taking care of this special gift in your life is a rewarding and happy experience of your entire life, but it is also a huge responsibility as you are required to provide your child with constant care and attention. For taking well care of your newborn you must know the basics to offer your baby sustenance, rest and timely care that he requires during his early months.
So, while everyone will teach you one or more ways on how to take care of a new born baby, below mentioned are some of the ways that you must definitely learn.
  • Offer your newborn with ample rest – Newborns require lots of rest for healthy growth. Some may even rest for around 16 hours a day. Few babies are confused between day and nights when they are born, and hence, they prefer sleeping in the day time. In such case you have to be more patient till the time your baby develops a normal sleeping pattern.
  • Breastfeeding is the best – While formula milk is always available, but it cannot meet the nutritional requirement of your child. You must hold your baby in the right direction and offer breastfeeding about 8 to 12 times a day, during the initial months.
  • Time to become a diaper changing expert – Whether you opt for disposable diapers or for clothing nappies, make sure to keep your baby dry as otherwise he could develop rashes. During initial days, for around a month, you have to change the baby’s diapers around 10 times a day.
  • Keep your baby away from infection – Newborns are sensitive and can catch infection very fast. You must always sanitize your hands before touching your baby and must offer him with a daily bath routine.
  • Handle your baby gently – Another important aspect of how to take care of a new born baby is to hold and handle him gently. Always hold your baby in the right manner. Be gentle with him and soothe him if he is cranky. Don’t forget to give your baby his special ‘tummy time’ as it helps in strengthening his muscles, bones and arms and legs coordination.
If you care well for your baby and provide him with a healthy growth environment, then soon you will notice developmental changes within him and the first one being rolling over. Alike other parents, even you must be keen to know when do babies roll over? Babies learn to roll over once they have gain mastery in maintaining their head control, and hence, they feel comfortable flipping around from one position to the other. They initiate with roll over when they are at the age of 3 months. As they grow old and reach to an age of six months, their neck muscles and arm muscles gain strength, and they are then able to roll over from one side to other without facing any hassle.
Rolling over is one of the major developmental accomplishments for the baby, but you should be careful during this period as babies roll over without noticing things around. Also, the rolling pattern in babies may differ and may change overtime. Encouraging your babies and offering them with enough tummy time are some of the ways with which you can help your baby learn to roll over. Now that you have known about when do babies roll over, definitely you must also be interested to know when do babies crawl.
As soon as your tot becomes a master in rolling over, his next biggest achievement during his growing years is the art of learning to crawl. Crawling is your baby’s first step towards independence and most babies begin crawling at an age of 6 to 8 months. But there are few babies, who skip the crawling stage altogether and directly learn to walk. The other interesting fact about babies crawling is that babies have different crawling patterns, which may vary from rolling, bottom shuffle, commando style and more.
You can expect your baby to start crawling before his first birthday and you do not have to provide any additional assistance to your tot to make him learn to crawl. In most of the cases, babies learn to crawl naturally. But before learning to crawl your baby has to learn to sit unaided. Also, few babies learn to crawl backwards during initial days, which is completely a normal indication of your baby’s growth. To ensure that your baby learns to crawl at a right age, you may offer him with plenty of ‘tummy time’, moving toys and a safe environment.

The entire concept of when do babies crawl is very much interesting, and with every passing month, you will see your baby achieving another developmental milestone. All you have to do is to provide your baby with a healthy growth environment and nutritionist diet. 

Saturday, 30 April 2016

When do babies start teething – Know what the experts say

Teething process commences as soon as your baby reveals his first ever teeth, known as ‘primary teeth’ or ‘baby teeth.’ When do babies start teething, then parents must also begin caring for their gums and teeth? As per experts, your baby requires proper oral and health care during and after the teething process. Most of the parents overlook this fact, but in reality, it is very important. Encouraging healthy brushing habits in your kid is extremely vital to ensure that your child has a healthy oral growth.

First Appearance
You will begin to see first teeth in your baby from 3 to 6 months. Some infants may reveal their first teeth at a later age and make even take around 18 months for the appearance of their shiny little tooth. If you feel the prevalence of any trouble, then it is wise to consult your doctor. It is also rare that there are no problems met during the tooth emerging. For this reason, the experts recommend starting caring for your child’s oral health even before the first tooth appears. You can begin caring for your tot’s gums right after few weeks of his birth.
There are few gels available in the market, which you may apply on your infant’s gums with the help of your finger. Teething is not only a long process but is also painful. Most infants drool and even cry a lot than usual. They even wake up at night and face disturbed sleeping and eating patterns. You can also provide your infant with soothers and teethe rings to provide them with some relief.

Flossing and Brushing – When do babies start teething

Once your baby has developed some teeth, it is now time that you begin brushing. At an early stage, it is not essential to employ a toothbrush, but most parents do as it provides them with convenience and make tots get used to the routine. Experts recommend brushing your baby’s teeth in the morning and before going to the bed. But if possible, then brushing after every meal is the best way to prevent meeting any cavity or oral infection.
Using toothpaste is not a necessity for kids below 6 months, but if you wish, then you may opt for high-quality gels that are offered by some reputed baby products brands. If your child is allergic to any special ingredient or substance then asking for the doctor’s advice is a must. Always be gentle while flossing and brushing as your baby’s organs are more sensitive than the adults.

Watch out for cavities

When do babies start teething is a vital consideration, but you should also keep a close eye on the cavities? Pitting and discoloration are the warning signs. One major cause of cavities in babies of so small age is bottle feeding. Even for this reason the expert suggests to not bottle feed your tot, especially during the night.

While teething is a vital milestone for every child, to maintain oral health from an early age is also extremely important. You just have to make some additional efforts and try maintaining your child’s oral hygiene at its best.

Source :

Thursday, 24 March 2016

How To Have A Baby Girl?

Get pregnant with a girl, a woman needs an acidic reproductive duct or cervical area. A pH test, therefore, to carry out the pH level detection needs. If the result indicates otherwise alkaline, so avoid douching and PhD steps like this to be taking the necessary acidity needs to change.

Douching with acidic foods and food ingredients suitable level can bring about the desired changes. A health food stores test kits (Ph test kit that is) can get. The pH scale ranges from 1-14. 1 to 6 acididity low readings indicate alkalinity upper extremity (8 to 14) reflects and 7 is neutral.

Wednesday, 9 March 2016

The Single Best Strategy To Use For Potty Training Boys Revealed

Parents often wonder when should I start potty training, you then can do so when your son or daughter starts understanding that he is not dry or will perform the poppy. If your son or daughter starts requesting to move afterward, you must take him where his task can be then performed by him. As you CAn’t expect your son or daughter to learn to go to the potty in the first, you should really be prepared for injuries to happen. You are required to make sure that when you consider your little boy to the potty; he is comfortable sitting on the stool.

You must view your child carefully throughout the entire task of potty training. If they should visit the bathroom, in case you find them squirming inquire. This can help them in understanding they should start visiting the bathroom to do their task. There are many hints available online which will instruct you how to start potty training a boy. You are able to utilize them and start testing them on your little child when possible.

You will find several hints that will certainly assist your son or daughter adapt to the theory and will assist you in the procedure for potty training. Additionally there are many articles present on the Web that informs you about when to start potty training boys. They also tell you about the various ways through which they can be trained by you. Throughout the complete process make sure that you do not scold them throughout the full process and are patient with your child. They may start rebelling against the thought of potty training if you scold them. For this reason, you should when should i start potty training show your love even when they’re not able to perform the task independently.

Saturday, 6 February 2016

how to get rid of white spots on teeth ?

How to get rid of white spots on teeth? Here is the answer

The teeth are one of the most essential features in the human body. While clean and shiny teeth could easily impart a huge amount of self-confidence in a person, whereas dirty or uneven teeth can be a cause of embarrassment for some. Therefore, one has to provide great care towards one’s teeth as well to have a confident personality. White spots on teeth is one problem that is compounding a lot of people nowadays, which make them wander from where do they get this kind of discoloration and how to get rid of white spots on teeth.
White spots on teeth happen due to lots of reasons; however, getting rid of the white spots on teeth is not that difficult. All you need to do is to know what causes white spots on teeth and then make sure that you do not follow those things that cause white spots. In short, you have to be more restrained in your approach towards your daily routine as you unknowingly do many things that harm your teeth more than you could imagine.  Therefore, here are five things that you could incorporate into your lifestyle in order to answer your query on how to get rid of white spots on teeth:

  • Drink water rather than soda: if you are a soda fanatic then it would be great for your teeth that you quit drinking it as soon as possible because it harms your teeth more than it does good. Instead, you can always fall back on water to quench your thirst. Drinking water is not only good for your teeth, but is also immensely helpful for your health. Water helps your mouth to remain wet and will eventually make the right amount of saliva to fight against bacteria that produce acid.
  • Rely on proper meals than snacks: start having proper and timely meal to satiate your hunger rather than relying on frequent snacks as snacks could aid in the formation of white spots on your teeth.
  • Brush your teeth properly: when you are suffering from white spots then it would be foolhardy of you if you still do not brush properly and more so after eating a meal. Brushing the teeth is important and it gets doubly more important for those who sport braces on their teeth.
  • Floss at night: flossing and brushing are two of the essential things that have to be done if you want to answer your question of how to get rid of white spots on teeth.  Flossing at night is what you should do devotedly to get rid of white spots on teeth.
  • Dentist appointment: a dentist is an ultimate solution for all tooth and gum problems. Therefore, visit a dentist at every six months to not only get rid of your white spot problems, but also to make sure that your mouth remains healthy overall.
The above-mentioned points are some of the methods following which you could solve your query about how to get rid of white spots on teeth.